Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bok Choy

Bok Choy was one of the most wonderful discoveries that I made recently. All I know is that it is from some cabbage family (not a botanist It is also known as 'Chinese Cabbage.'

When cooked it has a very soft and mild texture. It dosent reek of a traditional cabbage ... hehe... literally. Its something that you will come to love from the first time.

Some tips on how to select good Bok Choy from the market can be found in this link. Also, more about its history and blah blah info can be found in link-a and link-b.


  1.  Baby Bok Choy (6-7 florets)
  2. Garlic (2-3 cloves, minced/crushed)
  3. Sesame Oil (1 tsp)
  4. Canola Oil (1tbsp)
  5. Oyster Flavor Sauce
  6. Salt, Pepper to taste
 Wash the florets lightly under running water
Here is how i cut it. I'm not sure if its the 'traditional' method, but I like it that way  :)
First remove each of the leaf stems from the center by hand. When you get to the smaller parts, just leave it as is.
 Then cut the broad white part into small pieces. Then cut the rest of the leaf into half. If the leaf is small then leave it as it is.
Wash everything again for a second time.

I separate the white part from the rest of the leaf because it takes longer to cook. So while cooking the white part goes in first, followed by the leaves.
Add sesame and canola oil onto the pan and let it warm. High heat is good (we are trying to simulate a wok here.... lets pretend :P )

 Next add garlic
 Stir for a minute or so.
 Add the white parts and the inner part of the bok choy
 Cover and let it steam for a bit. Bok Choy like Spinach releases a lot of water. So there are less chances of it burning.

 Stir after 2-3minutes
 When the inner parts of the Bok Choy look a little wilted, add the rest of the leaves
Next, add the Oyster Flavor Sauce

Season with pepper. Do NOT add the salt. Remember the sauce is salty by itself. Add salt at the very end if necessary.
Stir and cook in high heat until the leaves wilt. Add a little salt to adjust the seasoning and some crushed red pepper if you like it a little spicy (I skipped it here).
And its ready!
This is such a simple dish. It only take about 30 minutes (including prep time) to make it. It goes great with plain rice. However P-bear pounces on it immediately .... forgetting the rice. I love her.

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