- Cereal + Skim milk.
- Vegetable juice (made by my lovely dad <3)
- Roasted Vegetables
- Carrots (2 medium, cut into bite-size)
- Onion (1/2 medium, cut lengthwise)
- Tomato (1 medium tomato)
- Olive Oil
- Oregano
- Garlic Powder
- Pepper
- Salt to taste
Wash and cut all the vegetables.
Mix the ingredients 4-8. I usually mix them first so that there is an even mixture and each vegetable gets all the condiments.
Mix all the ingredients and place in a baking tray. Bake at 450F for 20mins or more. I usually eyeball it :)
After baking:
- Mutter (green pea) curry
- Peas (1 cup)
- Cumin seeds (1/2 tsp)
- Oil (2 tsp)
- Garlic (small, 2-3 cloves)
- Onion (1 medium, ground)
- Tomato (1 medium, ground
- Water (~1 cup, or more)
- Turmeric powder (1/2 tsp)
- Chili powder (1/2 tsp)
- Cumin powder (1 tsp)
- Salt
Wash and prepare all the vegetables
Process the tomato and onion separately in a food processor until its fine
Then heat oil. When hot add the cumin seeds and garlic
When the seed start to sputter, add in the processed onion
Cook for some time in medium heat, until the mixture dehydrates and looks something like this:
If things start to burn, just add a little water to retain the moisture and cook in a lower heat setting. Next, add the processed tomato
Smells amazing! Keep stirring occasionally until the mixture dehydrates.
Next add half cup of water. After a few minutes add the ingredients (8-11). Cook for 5 mins.
Then add rest of the water and the peas. Bring to a boil and its done.
Packaged and ready to go!
- Basmati Rice
- Not to forget! For dessert fresh cut apple